
This website may be considered advertising. The information provided here does not constitute legal advice, which can only be given in response to a specific situation which is individually reviewed by a licensed attorney aware of all relevant facts after a full discussion of the issues with the individual(s) and or business or other entities involved. There is no substitute for a review of your particular situation by a qualified attorney.

Instead, this website provides general information which may or may not be useful or applicable given the particular circumstances of the reader. All content and information in this website is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness of a particular purpose. Neither decisions to take a particular action, nor decisions to forgo or defer action, should be made or undertaken in reliance upon information provided by this website or any related of “linked” websites.

Your review of this website, related links,materials or the use of email addresses, telephone numbers or mailing addresses found on this site, does not establish and attorney/client relationship between Attorney John Bena III, John Bena & Associates P.C., Attorney Neil Kerstein and any inquiring individual or organization. Individuals or entities seeking to retain the services of our lawyers or practice must meet with us for the specific purpose of discussing any such legal matter and thereafter enter a written fee agreement signed by both attorney and client.




